What is Jaguar Academy?
Jaguar Academy is a time at the end of the school day for your child to read. Your child earns points when they pass a quiz about each book they have read. Once they have earned 25 points, they can participate in a field trip reward at the end of the quarter. The purpose in Jaguar Academy is to help students foster growth in reading and give them a time to read self-selected texts.
Grading in Jaguar Academy:
Students will receive a grade each quarter for Jaguar Academy. Grades for Jaguar Academy will be communicated in Power School regularly. This will be shown as the number of points they have earned out of 25, so their grade should rise throughout the quarter. Jaguar Academy does effect Beta Club, A honor Roll, and A/B/ Honor Roll. Students must have A's or B's in all classes including Jaguar Academy to be in the Beta Club. If you have questions or concerns about your child's Jaguar Academy grade, please contact their Jaguar Academy teacher.