North Wilkes Middle School

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These things we do, so ALL may lead!
Public Notice
Dessert Theatre

Our Chorus Holiday Dessert Theatre was Amazing!

Student Showcase

Student Presentations During Our Fall Student Showcase

Local Business Owner

Andrea Roten, owner of Willow Tree Properties, share her experiences as an entrepreneur and local business owner.

Community Clean-up Day

Community clean-up day was a huge success! Thanks for the help!!

Veterans Day

Thank You Veterans for Visiting our Classrooms!

Student Showcase

Chorus and Band Performances During Our Fall Student Showcase

Oct. Leaders of the Month

Congratulations to our October Leaders of the Month!

Wrestling Team

Congratulations to our Wrestlers! 

Sharpen the Saw Club

Sharpen the Saw ESPORTS Club

Veterans Day

Thank You Veterans!.

PGC preparing for the new school year

PGC preparing for the new school year

November Leader of the Months

Congrats to our November Leader of the Months!

Mr. Larry teaching "Tools of the Trade"

Mr. Larry helps teach our CTE students "Tools of the Trade!"

Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Mr. Woodie for being NWMS Teacher of the Year!

JoJo the Jaguar

JoJo the Jaguar made an appearance during our Fall Student Showcase

Sept. Leaders of the Month!

September Leaders of the Month!




These things we do, so ALL may LEAD!

::: Daily Announcements :::

Spring Driver's Education Classes Planned Thumbnail Image

Spring Driver's Education Classes Planned

Spring Driver's Education Classes are being planned at all four high schools. Registration and parent events are being scheduled, and plans for collecting fees and distributing materials have been released or will be soon. For more information, visit our Driver's Education pages. Click the headline of this article for a direct link.
SCHOOL DANCE Thumbnail Image


NWMS will have a school dance on Friday, February 7th from 4 to 6pm. Tickets will go on sale the week of the dance Monday through Thursday for $5. Parents can purchase dance tickets through school cash online or send $5 for students to pay their homeroom teachers.
Jaguar Academy for the 3rd Quarter Thumbnail Image

Jaguar Academy for the 3rd Quarter

Students earn points when they pass a test about each book they have read. The JA goal for the 3rd quarter is 25 points by March 20th. Students visit the Media Center during their ELA classes and the NWMS book cart every Tuesday and Thursday. Our Media Center also provides a monthly reading special. If students read books that are featured in this, they receive extra points. Students who receive an A in JA are eligible to attend a reward trip to Liberty Theater and students who receive a B in JA are eligible to view a movie on campus.
Pay Student Fees Online Thumbnail Image

Pay Student Fees Online

Sign up for SchoolCash Online to see your students' charges and pay using your debit or credit card. These charges could include student fees, field trips, school socials, etc. Once you enroll you will get an email anytime a new fee is applied to your students account. As always, you can still pay these fees using cash or a check at the school. This is just a convenience option for families who wish to pay school fees online.
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::: Upcoming Events :::

Show Calendar »

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