North Wilkes Middle School

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February Leaders of the Month

 February Leaders of the Month!

Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Mr. Woodie for being NWMS Teacher of the Year!

Student Showcase

Student Presentations During Our Fall Student Showcase

Local Business Owner

Andrea Roten, owner of Willow Tree Properties, share her experiences as an entrepreneur and local business owner.

Community Clean-up Day

Community clean-up day was a huge success! Thanks for the help!!

Dessert Theatre

Our Chorus Holiday Dessert Theatre was Amazing!

Veterans Day

Thank You Veterans for Visiting our Classrooms!

Oct. Leaders of the Month

Congratulations to our October Leaders of the Month!

Mr. Larry teaching "Tools of the Trade"

Mr. Larry helps teach our CTE students "Tools of the Trade!"

JoJo the Jaguar

JoJo the Jaguar made an appearance during our Fall Student Showcase

Veterans Day

Thank You Veterans!.

Student Showcase

Chorus and Band Performances During Our Fall Student Showcase

January Student Leaders of the Month

Congratulations to our January Student Leaders of the Month!

excited students participating in an engineering activity

Look at the excitement while students participate in an engineering activity in Mrs. Ward's classroom.

Sept. Leaders of the Month!

September Leaders of the Month!

November Leader of the Months

Congrats to our November Leader of the Months!

Sharpen the Saw Club

Sharpen the Saw ESPORTS Club

PGC preparing for the new school year

PGC preparing for the new school year

Wrestling Team

Congratulations to our Wrestlers! 




These things we do, so ALL may LEAD!

::: Daily Announcements :::

Important Data Breach Updates Thumbnail Image

Important Data Breach Updates

To keep you informed, we are sharing updated information from PowerSchool regarding the recent nationwide data breach incident involving student and staff information and the steps you should take to secure your information. Click the headline above for more information.
Yearbooks on Sale Thumbnail Image

Yearbooks on Sale

All yearbooks must be purchased online and are $40.00. We now have less than 50 copies left to sell.
Report Cards Issued Thursday, March 27th Thumbnail Image

Report Cards Issued Thursday, March 27th

Report cards will go home with students on Thursday, March 27th. Parents may keep the report cards but we ask that you please sign and date the report card envelope and have your student return the envelope back to their homeroom teacher. This envelope will be used all year to send home progress reports and reports cards.
School Dance on Friday, April 4th Thumbnail Image

School Dance on Friday, April 4th

NWMS will have a school dance on Friday, April 4th from 4 to 6pm. Tickets will go on sale the week of the dance Monday through Thursday for $5. Parents can purchase dance tickets through school cash online or send $5 for students to pay their homeroom teachers.
Scholastic Book Fair Thumbnail Image

Scholastic Book Fair

NWMS is having a Spring Book Fair on April 7th through April 11th. All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. Click to shop the book fair online! Thanks for supporting our kids and happy reading!
Heart of a Champion Day Thumbnail Image

Heart of a Champion Day

Heart of a Champion Day Provides Free Sports Physicals for Rising 9th through 12th graders on May 3rd, 2025! Registration is now open
Read More About Daily Announcements »



::: Upcoming Events :::

Show Calendar »

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