North Wilkes Middle School

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These things we do, so ALL may lead!
Public Notice


PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Support. The goal of NWMS PBIS is to reward students for exhibiting positive behavior while following our school-wide expectations.

Jaguars L.E.A.D.

These Things We Do, So All May 
Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Bathroom



  • Begin with the End in Mind

Respect the classroom rules

-Listen when the teacher is speaking

-Stay on task on all assignments.

-Complete your work.

Respect the procedures 

- Be quiet; keep noise level down

- Honor learning in the nearby classrooms as you pass

-Be in hallway only with permission 

Respect the Routines

-Know where your seated

-Stay in your assigned area

Respect the Business

- Do your business and get back to business

- Use restroom at scheduled times 



  • Be Proactive
  • Put First Things First

Respect yourself and others.

- Follow directions.

- Use appropriate language 

- Raise your hand when you have a question. 

Respect the Space

- Help keep the hallway clean

- Keep hands off walls and others 

Respect the Talk 

-Keep volume low

-Keep talk kind and clean

Respect the Hygiene

- Flush

- Use only what is needed

- Wash your hands  



  • Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
  • Think Win-Win

Respect OUR time

- Participate in learning 

- Give honest effort

Respect Classrooms

- Keep moving in the hall during class change

- Stay close to the teacher/classroom

-Walk in the hall

Respect Your Table 

- Keep area clean

- Use good manners 

Respect the Privacy 

- Phone free zone 

- Stay in your space



  • Be Proactive
  • Synergize

Respect the Process

- Use time wisely

- Come prepared for class

Respect Movement

- Have materials for the next location. 

- Be on time 

Respect the staff

- Be proactive with lunch number 

- Keep food and drinks in cafeteria

Respect the Building 

- Clean up after yourself 

- Use the equipment as intended

- Help our custodians and school