Dear Jaguar families,
In preparation for potential weather-related remote instruction days, NWMS would like to share information with you about how our students will engage with learning on these days. On weather-related remote instruction days, students will be able to access assignments after 11:00 a.m. through CANVAS. Attendance will be taken on weather-related remote instruction days, and students will engage with assignments provided online. There will be no set Zoom class meetings, but rather students will complete assignments independently that will then be gone over in the classroom once students return to school. Please know there will be a plan to support students who may not be able to access these assignments online from home once we return to school.
If your child or family has any special needs we can assist you with, please have your child share those needs when communicating with the homeroom teacher. As always, we are here to help in any way we can.
Thank you for partnering with us to support your child while we cannot attend school in-person due to the weather. We look forward to seeing everyone back here at school soon!
Dr. Freeman & your Jaguar faculty and staff